Monday, June 30, 2014

Worming Schedule

Thursday it was a bit cooler and Henry had a trainer ride. I wasn't able to make it out and they said he was a bit fresh but got a good ride :)

Friday he had a day off and got some good turn out.

Saturday Henry got some turn out and then I lunged him. It was hot and he was sweaty so I gave him a quick hosing.

Happy it's Saturday!

Sunday and Monday Henry just got some turn out.

Monday it was 98 deg at 10 am. 3.5 more weeks of being prego and that heat do not mix lol!

B and I went to the tack store though and got a few goodies :)

So ugly but so useful!

Also got some wormer :) I typically buy one of each kind and then rotate through them. I worm about ever 2 months so these will last me about a year..

How do you all handle worming?

Starting tomorrow, Henry is in half training so this week he is going to get ridden Tues and Fri. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

There is nothing like a clean horse!

So shinny but man did he stink

Monday after work we went up to the barn so I could lunge Henry. He has been turned out for a bit earlier in the day but I still wanted to work him. He was SO lazy.. normally he loves to run a scream in the lower big round arena/pen but nope... maybe he is grown up? It was in the 80's so not too hot.

I worked him in both directions... giving walk breaks... then some more work.

Cooled him out and then decided to give him a really fast "bath" .. he hasn't had a real bath is months. We are on water conservation so I just hosed him off and did a quick all in one body soap and called it good. Better then nothing right? At least I feel like he smells less. Still need to do a real bath, scrub his legs, wash his face, shampoo and deep condition his mane/tail and clean his man parts.

Then I conditioned his mane and tail, fly sprayed his body and loved on him before taking him back to his stall with a tiny bit of grain so that I could add his supplements and electrolytes.

Apparently I am a task master lol!!

Hubby so kindly picked out Henry's stall. They finally replaced the kick board that they took out months ago so his mats and shavings have actually been staying in his stall!! It felt like we were pulling the mats back in 2-3 times a week FOREVER and I am glad that that is over!

I finally took a pic of my helmet monogram :) I put it on weeks ago but kept forgetting.. not what to use the other two monongrams on... hmmm. And I think I need a crop one now!

Those of you who have done it to your breeches and gloves, how do you like them?

Monday, June 23, 2014

4 More Days of Work :)

New fly mask for Grayson

Thursday Henry had the day off and some turn out :)

Grayson left his fly mask on all night!

Friday he has a trainer ride and was a perfect gentleman.. They flatted him, did some lead changes and jumped around. He did it all without a fuss... yahoo Henry! He has come so far- PTL! He isn't an easy horse to ride but if you ride, it's not a fight... or maybe I am just used to riding 100% all the time when I ride him, my normal? lol

Henry and I next season? ;) Maybe!

Saturday and Sunday Henry had a few hours of turn out each day... and my baby shower was Sunday :)

Hopefully I can get out and lunge him a few times this week and he can get another trainer ride.

July and Aug he will be getting half training, 2 rides a week and then I will try to supplement with lunges and of course turn out :)  If I can find the money, I might add some extra rides in Aug so that he is all tuned up when I can get back in the saddle.

4 more days of work till maternity leave!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blog Hop: Travel Bug

What is your best tip for traveling with horses?

 I am a planner.. I don't like to wait till the last minute to do things soooo my best tip is to start early- when rushing, things get missed. 

Oh and organize! Everything has to have a spot when I am packing :)

This of course gives me the ability to check and double check that I have what I need.

And this is why I am a Project Manager in my professional life lol!

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Monday, June 16, 2014


Rodeo weekend was a fun yet FILLED weekend :)

Thursday was family night .. local team roping, wild cow milking and two of my friends doing the hide race :)

Friday was slac and I took the day off so B and I could watch.

Saturday was day 1 of the rodeo.. I got a sitter so I could help out with the flags at the back gate and watch all the events without a 3 years old by my side :)

The bulls were mean mugging us!

Sunday I took B with me and we played spectators :)

I need a day off from all the fun lol!! Hope you all had a great weekend too :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Things I am THANKFUL for this week :)

Life is giving me lemons right now sooo I am going to write a post about horsey things I am thankful for this week :)

1. That Henry always comes to the gate when I go to his stall

2. That my hubby straightened Henry's stall mats for me.. oh and this cutie who helped spread the fresh savings :)

3. That I have two happy and healthy horses!
Happy Henry

Hold me mom!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Blog Hop: Fess Up To Your Mistakes

What is your biggest horse care mistake?

I'd have to say, not listening to my gut and standing in what I felt .. second guessing myself.

I know my horse(s) and how they life their daily life. I am not perfect or 100% right.. but there are times that I know what I know. And I have been around horses for the majority of my life. I still need the professionals don't get me wrong :)

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Friday, June 6, 2014


Thursday Henry has a nice lunge :)

Friday he got hacked and new shoes.. oh and he stepped on my foot. Of course it's my right foot, so he broke a toe on the left foot and has done who knows what to the right. Holy heck it hurts so bad and is swollen.

Also, you guys need to go get some of the limited edition Viva Carlos - Sweet Lemon Saddle Soap.. Hillary and Beka did a great job setting this up! :) SO COOL!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

WW... almost

Oh you know doing our normal thing... lol!

Wishing Henry and I were able to be at the show and showing with L and Ramone!

Monday, June 2, 2014

7 weeks and 3 days!

Sheesh I have been bad at keeping up blogging.. I guess I don't really have much to say that is of interest since I am not riding.

Thursday Grayson wasn't as mad at me..

Thursday/Friday Henry got turn out.

Saturday Henry had some turn out and then I lunged him, the barn was a mad house so we waited our turn and let all the lesson people and people riding do their thing. After lunging I hosed him off. Why do I always get just as wet as the horse?!

In the evening we went over to poor Grayson.. he was pretty swollen. More lunging and hosing for him.

Sunday we went to a local schooling show- everyone from the barn rode in the W/T and polls classes and did well- also meaning they were all done and packed up before noon! B and I headed over to Grayson to lunge and hose him...

After B napped and we at dinner, we headed up to check on Henry- he got the day "off"...

Lunge and hosing for Grayson every day this week :)

Lunge for Henry tonight... he will get a hack at some point this week- trainer is gone at a show starting tomorrow so no jumping.

7 weeks and 3 days till this little girl is born, then i'll be focused on healing from the c-section and then BACK TO RIDING! :)