Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Switch Up

Normally I don't ride on Wednesday but my trainer can't make it tomorrow for our weekly lesson so we moved it to tonight.

Tacked up, lunged and got on. We rode in the big mother of arenas - 2 of us in the lesson, 1 in a lesson with the eventing trainer and 1 person just hacking.

We did lots of forward/extended trot to tire Henry out. He was a little ok a lot ready to go haha. Pushing his hind end over in the corners. Canter transitions with his head down- still needs lots of work. 2 point in the trot and hand gallop.

Hubby and I were scheduled to lead our small group tonight so I had a limited time to ride... of course I blew through that time limit by like 30 min (oops) so I was quite a bit late but got a good ride in which always feels good.

Third day in a row that I have ridden Henry :)

Hopefully a trainer ride tomorrow and Friday and a lesson for me Saturday.

I will leave you with this... so true- though it needs to say Smartpak too :)


  1. Hey, if you can't be late every now and again, whats the point of being on time all the time!

  2. the x-mas list thing should apply to bdays as well! smartpak should definitely be on the list! :) Glad Henry is doing well!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)