Thursday, October 24, 2013

Show Nerves Break Through!!

So at this last horse show, I had a bit of a break through with my nerves...

I realized that I wasn't breathing while on course and that in turn made me feel like I was going to puke. When in lines or approaching jumps, I would hold my breath and count in my head in order to keep still and a steady pace.

While schooling Friday I realized this.. the jumps didn't scare me but I was feeling like I was going to puke so I started counting under my breath- forcing myself to breath and magically it was better!

Saturday my nerves didn't play a factor in anything, I actually had FUN showing and it was awesome.

Now my body was pissed that I got less then 5 hours of sleep the night before but I'll take that over show nerves and feeling like I am going to die!



  1. Yah! That's awesome. I also forget to breathe while on course!

  2. It wasn't til Rachel told me you were doing that that I realized I probably do the same thing, I'm gonna try the counting out loud part :)

  3. Haha, I don't breathe either when I jump and always feel like I'm going to pass out or throw up after a course! Definitely need to work on that.

    1. Yes!!! I always feel like I am going to throw up!

  4. always good to figure out what works:)

  5. So awesome! It's amazing what happens when you just breathe :-)

  6. When I was doing my little line the other day, my trainer kept asking me if I breathed. I didn't. Ever. Like, gasping for breath afterwards. I think breathing would help. I'm also a strong advocate for pharmaceuticals making life easier.

    1. Haha yeah breathing has made a difference! Haven't tried pharmaceuticals yet :)

  7. I do exactly the same thing. Only I never realized it until I read this post.

    1. Im glad I am bringing this to light for others lol!

  8. Breathing is so important! It's been helping me a lot too with show nerves. Who knew? ;)


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