Thursday, February 19, 2015

TOA Blog Hop - Sugar Mama

Let's continue pretending that horse poop magically transforms into money instead of the other way.  So money doesn't matter.  If you could buy anything for your horse, what would you buy? 

Awesome topic from TOA :)

My horse's are already quite spoiled but if I had unlimited money, oh how awesome would that be!!!

I have been blesses lately with a new saddle and new to me trailer.

If I had unlimited budget I would be all over a new truck and trailer- living quarters please!! :) New, top of the line and everything!!

Brand new Chevy truck please...

And you know something like this would do for a trailer... hahahaha! it's only $140k ;)


  1. Awesome imaginary spending....but tell us more about the wheels you have bought! Did I miss (or read and forget) this awesome announcement? Plus we absolutely need first impressions and many periodic reviews of the super drool - inducing saddle!

  2. niiiiiiice!! i'd like one of each too please :)

  3. Yesssss, another Chevy truck girl! High fives! Hopefully someday I will have one of those bad boys.

    1. Chevy all the way! I dream of this truck. My bff has one and its amazing!

  4. Just FYI that truck wouldn't be able to pull that trailer, seen it done NOT pretty. But I like where you're headed! :)

    1. Haha hubs said a 1 ton would have no problem pulling that trailer :) I don't like the look of the semi ...

  5. Ah yes! I would say "come pick me up in your sweet ride and let's go for a trail!"

    1. I would so do that!! I would probably live out of this thing lol

    2. I would so do that!! I would probably live out of this thing lol


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)