I am hoping that I can start blogging again, maybe even a couple times a week... baby girl is starting to sleep a bit more on her own, my middle little is doing preschool 2-3 times a week for hours and my oldest little is obviously in school (but she is easiest so she doesn't count)... now that I just said all that, everything is going to go hay wire ha!!
It was been pretty wet so I haven't been able to ride but a handful of times since I was cleared by my doctor...
There is a ranch right down the road from me that has a covered arena so I talked to the owner and he said I can pay the pasture board price and use the arena. HOPEFULLY that will enable to me to get some riding in... Hubby is 3 days into a 4 week training out of town soooo at the moment grooming and maybe a quick lunge in the dark will be all I get in.
B taking pics again- actually really like this one :) |
Mr Wes has been giving me a run for my money... in the stall he is great and I have gained his trust. BUT if I turn him out, he is almost impossible to catch. The fact that the lady didn't handle him at all or do anything is very apparent.. so I just keep plugging along trying to make him love me ha!
We have been working on haltering, being patient when tied, lots of grooming, being hosed off, blanketing, clipping his wiskers and handling his feet- currently pretty good with the fronts woot!
Right now Holli is out with him in hopes that he will become more friendly and she will help him be more civilized *fingers crossed*
Holli is amazing as always, B loves riding her and lately just wants to ride bareback all over which is so great for her balance/confidence/feel of the horse. Holli is of course a saint even when being ridden in just a halter with the trains whizzing by and out in the field (our arena is un usable currently, the footing is no good no matter how much i have worked it and tried to make it cooperate.. so the plan is to try and save for some footing)