Sunday, March 17, 2013

Corned Beef!!

Corned beef, carrots, potatoes and cabbage is a cookin!

Friday Henry got turned out and a much deserved day off!

B and I went out to dinner with some friends

Saturday was group lesson day, only 4 of us- nice small group.

The fog was crazy on my way to the barn

Groomed, lunged and got on. Hacked around with the group, Henry felt really really good.

We move onto jumping...

Warmed up over 1 making a right or left turn after going through the ground polls.

Then we did 1 to 2, around to 3 and over the ground poll on the right, then over 1 to 4. Henry was really good! We had jumped a lot this week so after we did that a few times my trainer said that was enough for him and Erica and I went for a walk to cool out.

The weather was awesome! I gave Henry a vetrolyn liniment hose down and then lots of grazing :)

Sunday was turn out day .. at home we are starting off the week right with a delishious meal in a little bit :)

Monday hack, Tuesday lesson, Wednesday off, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride and Saturday idk...


  1. Good boy Henry! And B is soooo cute!

  2. Your kiddo is cuuuuuuuuute. Leadline with Henry soon? Teehee

    1. Thanks! I think so too LOL!

      She needs a pony!

  3. Aw your daughter is so pretty. That course actually looks quite difficult. Sounds like you guys did it effortlessly though.

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah it was simple but complex- you had to plan a head and know where you were going :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)