Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thursday, Friday and Saturday...

I am a little behind .. sorry!

Thursday I rode in a lesson. We went up to our arena and it was SO windy. I was not happy about that to say the least but I cowboyed up and got on. Henry was actually really really really good. I was shocked to say the least ... He listened well and we even jumped a little. His canter was better, be wasn't spookie at all, he was in his frame and super fun to ride! Yay Henry! :)

Friday Henry and I had a private lesson with my trainer. She rode her horse and I rode Henry and it was a good ride. Not as good as Thursday night but wasn't bad. We even took a walk around the property... Here are a few pictures from after our ride while he was turned out.

Yay for a fun Iphone app :)

Saturday I went out for a lesson, there were only 4 of us. Small group which is all good. We rode in our arena as the weather was super nice. I decided to ride in my western saddle- worst idea I have had in a while. My western saddle is for well western- keeping your leg on a young horse and guiding him every step of the way isn't what that western saddle is designed for. It was SO MUCH WORK and my legs are sooooo sore. Never again- ever hahaha! Our ride was good, nothing great but good.

Tomorrow hes off, Monday hack, Tuesday lunge (I am getting my hair done so I won't be to the barn till 7 pm), Wednesday trainer ride, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride ... Bring on the week!


  1. Hi! Just stopped by to say thanks for joining my blog!

    Henry is gorgeous and so red. Happy Easter!

  2. Nice photos - what iPhone app do you use? And wow 4 riders sounds crowded, not small, for a group lesson! Guess its relative to ring size and trainer multitasking ability. =) He's looking really good.

    1. Saturdays are normally like 6 ish people... so 4 was on the smaller side haha!

      The app I used was Camera+ .. it's a free one :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)