Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!


  1. She is so adorable! And almost big enough for her first pony... just sayin'...

    1. Thanks! Yes I can't wait to get a pony :) We will def get a large so I can ride it too :)

  2. Your daughter is ADORABLE. So cute!!! And I just went through and read every post on your blog... I am a pro procrastinator...

    I think that Henry is oh so handsome. Does he not get regular turnout? I tried to figure it out when I was reading your blog but got a little confused. Didn't know if that was why you lunged? (obviously when you don't have time to ride its awesome - I love using side reins... hue is still figuring them out at the moment) Anyways I am looking forward to reading your blog more regularly. :)

    1. Ah thank for the compliment on my two "kids" lol

      Henry doesn't have regular turn out right now because of the weather. Also now that he is getting ridden 5-6 days a week he doesn't "need" turn out. I still turn him out on Sunday's (weather permitting) and at random other times just so he can be out and about. He is 5, fit and full of energy - thats why I lunge haha! We have used side reins in the past too :)

      Thanks for joining our journey!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)