Henry was a hand full Friday for his trainer ride too... makes me feel better that he's not just a hand full for me! Every ride is a learning experience for him and I have to remember that even when there are "bad days" it's really all part of the training process.
Which leads me to our "new" schedule...
Sunday- off
Monday- Hack/lunge
Tuesday- Lesson
Wednesday- Trainer ride
Thursday- Hack
Friday- Trainer ride
Saturday- Ride (every other Sat)
Lastly - Lyssette handed down a green hunt coat to me :) I went through my show clothes and took inventory...
Hunt coats: gray, brown, navy and green
Shirts: white, yellow, blue, purple, pink/blue striped
Breeches: 3 Ariat's and 1 TS
I want a pink shirt still :)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The joys of a baby horse
Henry was not fun today- haha! I was the only one at the barn for about 30/40 min so I took my time getting ready waiting for someone to show up. I don't ride him when I am the only one at the barn... batter safe then sorry- and he is young so it's a precaution I am willing to take. Lunged and he was good and then got on and he was a nut case lol. Not really but he was very spookie and looking at everything! Ugh... flight fight fight!!!
Anywho lots of turning, change of direction, bending... whatever i could do to keep his attention. My trainer was there waiting for her lesson to show up and she told me to go over the polls that were set out and to make Henry weave around the jumps and pile of jumps that were in the center of the arena- he was "looking" at them so off we went to engage in them till he was SICK of them and they weren't an issue anymore.
I cantered some and worked on weaving around the things in the arena, cantering up the center, change of direction with a simple change. Our frame was not so good today- he was totally half giraffe today... ok maybe it wasn't that bad but thats how it felt haha!
I ended by making him address the pile of polls, standards and boxes in the middle of the arena. He was not happy about this BUT it was happening ... i had to get very assertive with him but eventually he was reaching down sniffing and touching the "stuff" and standing still... so we quit.
He can't be perfect everytime so I am not upset about my ride today- it was nice riding him and not feeling scared or worried, I did my best to ride him effectively and ensure he knew I was the boss. Henry prefers to ride with other horses in the arena so these rides alone are good for him and for me to learn how to deal with his attitude haha!
Trainer ride tomorrow and Sean worked Saturday so no riding for me... maybe ill ride Sunday or at least get him out.
Anywho lots of turning, change of direction, bending... whatever i could do to keep his attention. My trainer was there waiting for her lesson to show up and she told me to go over the polls that were set out and to make Henry weave around the jumps and pile of jumps that were in the center of the arena- he was "looking" at them so off we went to engage in them till he was SICK of them and they weren't an issue anymore.
I cantered some and worked on weaving around the things in the arena, cantering up the center, change of direction with a simple change. Our frame was not so good today- he was totally half giraffe today... ok maybe it wasn't that bad but thats how it felt haha!
I ended by making him address the pile of polls, standards and boxes in the middle of the arena. He was not happy about this BUT it was happening ... i had to get very assertive with him but eventually he was reaching down sniffing and touching the "stuff" and standing still... so we quit.
He can't be perfect everytime so I am not upset about my ride today- it was nice riding him and not feeling scared or worried, I did my best to ride him effectively and ensure he knew I was the boss. Henry prefers to ride with other horses in the arena so these rides alone are good for him and for me to learn how to deal with his attitude haha!
Trainer ride tomorrow and Sean worked Saturday so no riding for me... maybe ill ride Sunday or at least get him out.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28th
Training ride today. He was good, there were a few riders riding which is all good.
I got a few jumping videos...
Oxer from the right
Oxer from the right (2)
Oxer from the left
Vertical Left
Vertical Right
Hack tomorrow, trainer ride friday (maybe a lesson)...
I got a few jumping videos...
Oxer from the right
Oxer from the right (2)
Oxer from the left
Vertical Left
Vertical Right
Hack tomorrow, trainer ride friday (maybe a lesson)...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
March 27th
It's that time of the month for me sooooo I am feeling a bit yuck and blah... but I had a lesson sooooo to work it was.
Henry was feeling good... he was completely dry when I went to get him and then he got a bit wet on our walk up to the barn- as did I. We both weren't stoked about that. Anywho tacked up and lunged... can't really get a good lunge when we have to do it on a line inside sooooo I did my best but it really didn't do the trick. Oh well a lesson was waiting for us.
Tonight was a decent lesson. Worked on the normal- frame, straight, sharp transitions, light in the bridle ... etc. I had to remind him a few times to STOP HANGING ON MY HANDS- stopping and backing are my BFF's :)
Trainer ride tomorrow, hack Thursday and trainer ride Friday.
Henry was feeling good... he was completely dry when I went to get him and then he got a bit wet on our walk up to the barn- as did I. We both weren't stoked about that. Anywho tacked up and lunged... can't really get a good lunge when we have to do it on a line inside sooooo I did my best but it really didn't do the trick. Oh well a lesson was waiting for us.
Tonight was a decent lesson. Worked on the normal- frame, straight, sharp transitions, light in the bridle ... etc. I had to remind him a few times to STOP HANGING ON MY HANDS- stopping and backing are my BFF's :)
Trainer ride tomorrow, hack Thursday and trainer ride Friday.
All about PICTURES!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Good Ol Monday
Confusion happened, Henry didn't get ridden and I worked him tonight.
I was being honest with myself when I thought- I should ride tonight and my brain said no how about lunging him.... I agreed. Lunging is what we did. I tried to go in the round pen, it was a bit sloppy- ok really slippery and Henry took off like a bullet a few times so I got him and we went inside to lunge since no one was riding. Much better footing! It was windy and the tarp was flapping like crazy so it was a good exposure lunge and he got a work out.
Then off to groom groom groom. Mud alllll over and he needed to sparkle before I could put him away. Lets washed, tail cleaned, whole body curried, whole body brushed, mane brushed and wetted down and whole body sprayed with Vetroline spray :) Then blanketed, tucked into his stall and grained...SPOILED! :)
Lesson tomorrow night, trainer ride Wednesday, hack Thursday, trainer ride Friday.
I was being honest with myself when I thought- I should ride tonight and my brain said no how about lunging him.... I agreed. Lunging is what we did. I tried to go in the round pen, it was a bit sloppy- ok really slippery and Henry took off like a bullet a few times so I got him and we went inside to lunge since no one was riding. Much better footing! It was windy and the tarp was flapping like crazy so it was a good exposure lunge and he got a work out.
Then off to groom groom groom. Mud alllll over and he needed to sparkle before I could put him away. Lets washed, tail cleaned, whole body curried, whole body brushed, mane brushed and wetted down and whole body sprayed with Vetroline spray :) Then blanketed, tucked into his stall and grained...SPOILED! :)
Lesson tomorrow night, trainer ride Wednesday, hack Thursday, trainer ride Friday.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Big News- Well in my world it is...
I jumped Henry today- woot! After we were done- I exclaimed "I did all that without feeling sick!"
Anywho it was a good ride. Only 4 of us in the lesson which is a really small Saturday lesson. Rain was expected but didn't start till this afternoon.
Henry was a bit high- being the 6th day in a row that he was worked I don't get how that is BUT I am going to attribute it to the upped grain/feed. So this really assures my decision to up his hay cause all this extra grain/feed might be having an affect on his energy. I ordered a bag that will fit a whole bale so once that arrives I will buy a bale and start giving him and extra flake. I will still give him grain but not 3 full scoops worth :)
Here are a few pics i snapped with my phone after I put him away.
Anywho it was a good ride. Only 4 of us in the lesson which is a really small Saturday lesson. Rain was expected but didn't start till this afternoon.
Henry was a bit high- being the 6th day in a row that he was worked I don't get how that is BUT I am going to attribute it to the upped grain/feed. So this really assures my decision to up his hay cause all this extra grain/feed might be having an affect on his energy. I ordered a bag that will fit a whole bale so once that arrives I will buy a bale and start giving him and extra flake. I will still give him grain but not 3 full scoops worth :)
Here are a few pics i snapped with my phone after I put him away.
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he was busy eating and didn't want his picture taken but obliged and lifted his head for a second haha! |
Friday, March 23, 2012
Let go Lauren!
Don't forget to watch tomorrow night and root for Lauren and both her horses! :)
Don't forget to watch tomorrow night and root for Lauren and both her horses! :)
Henry was good. I got to watch the jumping and take some video. He had a few rails but id rather those then stops. He had one bad stop over the fan but it wasn't dirty so that is an improvement... we are still green and learning.
In and Out
Fan Oxer In and Out
Oxer to the Fan
X to the Rainbow
And a few pics :)
In and Out
Fan Oxer In and Out
Oxer to the Fan
X to the Rainbow
And a few pics :)
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Irene on Henry and Juliana on Billy |
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New Bit (for once a week) to improve our brakes :) |
I *thought* we had a lesson last night but we didn't... here is where the confusion ensues haha!
Anywho Henry was a bit wild in the round pen, but it was super windy so I'll calk it up to that. Being that I thought we had a lesson I didn't lunge for long cause I wanted to get in and get to work. There were a few other riders riding so I hopped on and got to work.
We did a few laps of walking- moving his hind end over in the corners, staying in the frame and straightness.
Then to our trot and canter work... he was good. My trainer was there and even made a comment on how he was looking good woot! Worked on counter bending, collecting, extending, sharper transitions and lots o steering cause there were lots o peeps :)
I worked him, walked, worked him and again, walked and then worked him again. I find that he thinks we are done if after the cantering haha! Gotta break him of that habit.
Trainer ride today, lesson tomorrow and off Sunday.
Anywho Henry was a bit wild in the round pen, but it was super windy so I'll calk it up to that. Being that I thought we had a lesson I didn't lunge for long cause I wanted to get in and get to work. There were a few other riders riding so I hopped on and got to work.
We did a few laps of walking- moving his hind end over in the corners, staying in the frame and straightness.
Then to our trot and canter work... he was good. My trainer was there and even made a comment on how he was looking good woot! Worked on counter bending, collecting, extending, sharper transitions and lots o steering cause there were lots o peeps :)
I worked him, walked, worked him and again, walked and then worked him again. I find that he thinks we are done if after the cantering haha! Gotta break him of that habit.
Trainer ride today, lesson tomorrow and off Sunday.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Short and Sweet
Trainer ride went well today. I was only able to watch the first 15 min of flat work cause I had a meeting but got a good report... he jumped well and NO STOPPING. WOOT!
After work and on our way to church we went and grained Henry. Now that he is in this full time work he is leaning out and so I am upping his supplements (again- to about 7 quarts). I have decided to buy extra hay and give him an extra flake a day (bringing him up to 5 flakes a day) plus still give him grain(probably like 3 quarts). I don't want to be giving him half a bag of grain a day 1. b/c that can't be good for him and 2. I can't afford it. Oh and to make it clear- by grain I don't mean sweet stuff- he gets 1/2 Equine Sr and 1/2 Strategy. I will be doing some research to see if there is a grain (feed) that my feed store carries that might work better for us (him)... but until then we will stick to whats working and up the hay.
Lessons tomorrow, trainer ride Friday, lessons Saturday and off Sunday.
After work and on our way to church we went and grained Henry. Now that he is in this full time work he is leaning out and so I am upping his supplements (again- to about 7 quarts). I have decided to buy extra hay and give him an extra flake a day (bringing him up to 5 flakes a day) plus still give him grain(probably like 3 quarts). I don't want to be giving him half a bag of grain a day 1. b/c that can't be good for him and 2. I can't afford it. Oh and to make it clear- by grain I don't mean sweet stuff- he gets 1/2 Equine Sr and 1/2 Strategy. I will be doing some research to see if there is a grain (feed) that my feed store carries that might work better for us (him)... but until then we will stick to whats working and up the hay.
Lessons tomorrow, trainer ride Friday, lessons Saturday and off Sunday.
Just keep hacking...
Lesson got moved to Thursday soooo a hacking we go :)
My goal was to work on what we worked on in my lesson but on a smaller scale... aka take a few things and work on those. So I worked on moving his hind end over through the corners, holding the frame all the time and sharper canter transitions.
He worked nicely. There were 2 other rides from my barn, 1 from the Eventing barn and 1 from the other H/J barn. Thats right Windmill Ranch dominating- haha just kidding :)
I hacked around working on the above ... walked for a bit (Henry thought we were done) and then worked on my canter transitions some more.
After I was done I went for a walk around the property with two other ladies from my barn. Henry was SOOOOOOO SLOW. The other two horses are twice his age and they were kicking out butts... he was just moseying along looking at everything. Anywho that is only the second time we have gone for a walk and I was so happy with how relaxed and well behaved he was.
Trainer ride today, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride, Saturday lesson.
Kat and Andy came and took some pictures - I am impatiently awaiting them haha!! I will post once I get them :)
My goal was to work on what we worked on in my lesson but on a smaller scale... aka take a few things and work on those. So I worked on moving his hind end over through the corners, holding the frame all the time and sharper canter transitions.
He worked nicely. There were 2 other rides from my barn, 1 from the Eventing barn and 1 from the other H/J barn. Thats right Windmill Ranch dominating- haha just kidding :)
I hacked around working on the above ... walked for a bit (Henry thought we were done) and then worked on my canter transitions some more.
After I was done I went for a walk around the property with two other ladies from my barn. Henry was SOOOOOOO SLOW. The other two horses are twice his age and they were kicking out butts... he was just moseying along looking at everything. Anywho that is only the second time we have gone for a walk and I was so happy with how relaxed and well behaved he was.
Trainer ride today, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride, Saturday lesson.
Kat and Andy came and took some pictures - I am impatiently awaiting them haha!! I will post once I get them :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Private Lesson- what what!!!
Henry didn't get a trainer ride today so I made impromptu plans to ride after work. I texted my trainer and asked if she was still around when I got there, if I could have a lesson since he didn't get ridden. She asked when I would be there- I got off work later then I wanted- soooooo I told her never mind and to not wait around. When I got there she was still there and when I got on she came over and started teaching- score private lesson!
We worked hard and I felt like very affective. I haven't felt that accomplished in a while. We worked on lots of bending- moving his hind end over through the turn and not just leaning with his shoulder and bending at his neck, straight straight straight at the canter- especially to the right, turn on the forehand, turn on the haunch, compressing his canter, extended trot to a compact trot, slow sitting trot, staying in a frame when going into the canter and keeping his frame- especially past the places that he likes to lift his head and "look" for something to spook at.
I have a group lesson Tuesday night, trainer ride Wednesday, hack Thursday, trainer ride Friday and group lesson Saturday.
We worked hard and I felt like very affective. I haven't felt that accomplished in a while. We worked on lots of bending- moving his hind end over through the turn and not just leaning with his shoulder and bending at his neck, straight straight straight at the canter- especially to the right, turn on the forehand, turn on the haunch, compressing his canter, extended trot to a compact trot, slow sitting trot, staying in a frame when going into the canter and keeping his frame- especially past the places that he likes to lift his head and "look" for something to spook at.
I have a group lesson Tuesday night, trainer ride Wednesday, hack Thursday, trainer ride Friday and group lesson Saturday.
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Grazing after our ride/lesson |
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Hi mom, can i eat your phone? |
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Grazing after our ride/lesson |
Friday, March 16, 2012
Friday + lots of rain
Had a lesson... wasn't anything crazy just worked on straightness, holding him together when asking for transitions (which I have been working on this week and got good reviews haha) and making him go all around the arena- even over the polls that might jump up and eat him ;)
Juliana jumped him- he stopped again... one of these days he is going to realize that it isn't worth it to stop. I am praying that things click and we can move forward...
Juliana jumped him- he stopped again... one of these days he is going to realize that it isn't worth it to stop. I am praying that things click and we can move forward...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Double Days
Today Henry got a trainer ride and I hacked tonight...
Trainer ride- he wasn't bad but wasn't good. He decided to stop at a jump or two, I am SO ready for him to stop doing that so that I can start moving forward with him and jumping. He's bound to give in and start being a team player right?! haha
Hack tonight- he was SLUGGISH! I hacked around but I could tell that he was pooped... and tomorrow I have plans to take a lesson on him so I wanted some horse left. Anywho I worked on going straight at the WTC and then called it a day and cooled him out. Oh and did a nice long grooming before I put him away.
Hopefully a lessons tomorrow and trainer ride Saturday.
Trainer ride- he wasn't bad but wasn't good. He decided to stop at a jump or two, I am SO ready for him to stop doing that so that I can start moving forward with him and jumping. He's bound to give in and start being a team player right?! haha
Hack tonight- he was SLUGGISH! I hacked around but I could tell that he was pooped... and tomorrow I have plans to take a lesson on him so I wanted some horse left. Anywho I worked on going straight at the WTC and then called it a day and cooled him out. Oh and did a nice long grooming before I put him away.
Hopefully a lessons tomorrow and trainer ride Saturday.
wow .. look ..
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Change of plans
Seems like it's the season for being flexible.
Yesterday was a hack day cause my trainer is still under the weather. There were 6/7 of us riding, no lessons so it was nice to just hack around. Again I worked on transitions and a quick response from Henry... trot now, slow to a sitting trot now, turn now, move off my leg now, canter now... you get the idea. He is getting so much better. I asked more of him Monday then I did last night but really enjoyed my rides both nights.
I also love that it is still light ish when I am done riding and taking Henry back to his stall. It isn't day light but it isn't pitch black and I love it! It was rainy last night so i gave Henry a really good curry and brushing after our ride and then blanketed him- I was waiting for the rain to let up so we could run to his stall haha. I'll have to take a picture of Henry in his "knight in shining armor" blanket... he's so cute! I've got lots of clothes for him but this blanket is like the best all in one... has an attached neck piece, nice quilting lining, cute pattern, nice tail cover.. LOVE IT :)
This isn't Henry but this is the blanket..

Wednesday trainer ride, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride (maybe a lesson for me if I can squeeze it in on my lunch), Saturday hopefully a trainer ride cause I have Bayley and Sean works :)
Yesterday was a hack day cause my trainer is still under the weather. There were 6/7 of us riding, no lessons so it was nice to just hack around. Again I worked on transitions and a quick response from Henry... trot now, slow to a sitting trot now, turn now, move off my leg now, canter now... you get the idea. He is getting so much better. I asked more of him Monday then I did last night but really enjoyed my rides both nights.
I also love that it is still light ish when I am done riding and taking Henry back to his stall. It isn't day light but it isn't pitch black and I love it! It was rainy last night so i gave Henry a really good curry and brushing after our ride and then blanketed him- I was waiting for the rain to let up so we could run to his stall haha. I'll have to take a picture of Henry in his "knight in shining armor" blanket... he's so cute! I've got lots of clothes for him but this blanket is like the best all in one... has an attached neck piece, nice quilting lining, cute pattern, nice tail cover.. LOVE IT :)
This isn't Henry but this is the blanket..
Wednesday trainer ride, Thursday lesson, Friday trainer ride (maybe a lesson for me if I can squeeze it in on my lunch), Saturday hopefully a trainer ride cause I have Bayley and Sean works :)
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