Thursday, February 7, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

First here is a video of Tuesday nights lesson... I am not to stoked on my riding BUT this is a journal/timeline of Henry's training so I shall post it for us to look back on :)

Today I had a lesson... it was good. Henry was SPOOKIE but hey we worked through it and I am becoming good at ignoring it and riding like nothing happened.

This was the jump set up...

Warmed up over 1 back and forth. Then did I 1 off the left lead with a short turn around 3 and jumped 2 off the right lead. Did that a few times switching up the turn after either left or right to work on leads. Then I did 2, left turn to 3 with a right turn.. did that a few times and alternated the turn after three to work on the lead changes.

Trainer pained the polls so they are really bright now- at first Henry looked a little but quickly got over it.

Keeping positive!

Trainer ride tomorrow and hack Saturday.


  1. I think you rode pretty well, there weren't any stops even though the poles were freshly painted and that is always encouraging. Some days just sticking with it is the best thing you can do. Consistency wins the war :-)

  2. With horses, keeping positive is the way to be!

  3. Considering how anxious you were to start you did a-ok.

    1. True lol... I haven't felt that way in a while!

  4. Sounds like a very positive experience for both of you, even if at first you may not have thought so yourself.
    I always try to look for positives in my rides - makes getting back up another day easier as we try to emulate &improve upon what we did well last time. Plus if we don't make mistakes/ride less well every now and then how will we get the instruction to get better? :)

    PS: It is easy for me to say this now...please quote this back to me when I complain in future posts, :p

    1. Great advice thanks :)

      Yeah I need lots of picking on- my trainer will never be out of a job lol!

  5. I wish I knew what it was like to ride with bright painted poles. Dang all the dust in a desert! Sounds like you had a good ride.

    1. Ours have needed painting for a while but it's so time consuming- thankful my trainer did it :)

  6. Keeping positive is the way to do it!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)