Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friday, Staurday, Sunday ...

Oops I am a little behind.

Friday the WS was sick so Henry didn't get ridden. So she is supposed to make it up Monday...

Saturday we have our usual lesson. Grandma and Grandpa were good sports and came out to watch despite the wind... I was in a t-shirt :)

We rode in the big outdoor arena... flatting went well despite that fact that I was having a heck of a time keeping my irons- it was weird.

Onto jumping... this is NOT drawn to scale. Ha! This arena is super big, but you get the point.

We started warming up over A and it was an X... back and forth. Then we did A off the right lead, around the box to B, change to left lead to C. Did that a few times with the group. Then she put up the jumps a smidge and told me to do them backwards- C to B to A. Thougth I was done... NOPE... Then I was told to do B left turn and over D- the box thing. Yeah I was not having that! But was told to just do it- ugh!

Thought I was going to head first dive into it when Henry stopped. Approached it with my leg on but he stopped- ok I wasn't riding for a stop but when he stopped I said ok cause I didn't want to die. Came back to it and he jumped it super big... then did a about 6-8 more times trying to get him straight- he was SURE we were supposed to jump the right corner/poll but finally got a couple good ones and was told I could be done- few!

Thanks Lyssette for the pic of the scary (to me) jump :)
Cooled him out, cleaned him up and headed home to prep for Bayleys 2nd Birthday party.

Sunday was bath day and making sure the trailer is clean and ready for us to load our stuff.

This week will look something like this...

Monday- Trainer ride and I will start cleaning out my box getting it ready for the show.
Tuesday- Lesson
Wednesday- Turn our for Henry and more cleaning and packing for the show.. and packing at home :)
Thursday- Lesson and load my stuff (yes all three bridles) in the trailer... Trainer and Lyssette will be leaving with Henry sometime in the afternoon.
Friday- Horse show
Saturday- Horse show
Sunday- Horse show and head home


  1. Yay! Horse show! Can't wait to hear how it goes - you guys are going to be great!

    1. Just schooling but it will still be good for us both and 4 days 3 nights away from home :)

  2. I'm so bummed I missed you guys jumping on sat lol.

  3. Dont't be nervous since you are just schooling wam up rings!

    1. Ira will find something to bring in to get my blood pressure up lol!

  4. Excited to see pictures! I feel like once B and I really get training under saddle, jumping will be an ease. He'll take anything off the ground ha! Good luck!

    1. Thats awesome.. Henry makes me work for it sometimes!

  5. Have fun packing! :) glad you didn't come off during the stop. Landing on that scary jump wouldn't have been fun! Can't wait to hear how Henry is for schooling!

    1. Right! It's a solid object and I didn't want to die.

      Hope he's a good boy this weekend!

  6. I'm very excited to hear all about the show :) Good luck, you and Henry will do great!

    1. Thanks! Just schooling but it will be good for us!

  7. Have a great week, looking forward to lots of pics and reports! :D

    1. Thanks I'll try to beg someone to take pics :)

  8. Sounds like its going to be a busy but fun week! Good Luck with the show :)

    1. Yeah I am hoping it doesn't take me till Thur to pack BUT since I will have Bayley with me each time I am up there (Monday and Wednesday) it may haha!

  9. So jealous! I can't wait for my show season to start.

  10. That box is terrifying - go you!

  11. That box jump looks scary for me too. I love preparing for and conpeteing at shows. Have fun!!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)