Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Love Day!

Had a lesson today- Woot! First of the week!

I lunged Henry before I got on but actually I didn't have to do any work, he was NUTS so I stood there while he got his craziness out.

Thought we were riding below but my trainer said to come inside since it was windier then heck outside and she was organizing her lesson binder.

We went through our paces on the flat..

Then onto jumping... thanks to my trainer we got to jump the lattice of death ;) Henry's fav haha!

We did that back and forth a bunch working on short approaches, straight over the jump and lead changes- I think we only missed like 2 or 3 the whole lesson so that is AWESOME! Eventually she made it a bigger vertical and he jumped well... we had one stop when she put the top poll on- stinken horse!

He was tired, I was tired and we walked forever. I hosed him off, loves on him, cleaned everything and put him away.

Our bits of the moment lol! Yes we rotate through all three :)
Trainer ride tomorrow, lesson Saturday.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah sans the one stop... though it wasn't his normal dirty stop- it was a short turn and I don't think he could see/figure out what we were doing, oh and the blue and white poll plus the lattice is deadly lol

  2. I miss taking lessons. I'm living vicariously through other blogs hahaha.

  3. I miss taking lessons too. I feel like everytime I've tried to take one recently the rains come!

    1. boo! Hope you can get some soon! Have you tried the new trainer yet?

  4. Nice that you get 3 bridle hooks! I feel like I have to fight to keep my 2! Glad you got a lesson!

    1. Oh I only get 1, I just moved some other bridles to take a picture and then put them back :)

    2. Haha that makes more sense. You keep all of them on one hook!? How do you get them to all stay on?

  5. Yay lead changes! I love working on those.

    1. Henry is best when he is jumping.. schooling them on the flat is another story haha!

  6. What kind of bit is that on the far left? I am intrigued!

    1. left to right... Mikmar, skinny snaffle, Segunda

    2. Ok. I have never seen a bit like that before. Very interesting!

    3. I never had till my trainer brought it out :)

    4. I was wondering that too! What does a Mikmar do?

  7. Happy belated V-Day! Jealous you have a bridle for each bit. I don't rotate as much as I'd like mostly because I only have one bridle... need to pick up a schooling one.

    1. Thanks! The bridle on the far left is my trainers but the other two are mine and I have about 3 more at home and 2 western ones ... yeah I have to much stuff lol!

  8. Glad that you had a good lesson :), I love the last picture :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)