Wednesday, September 18, 2013

On Different Pages

Normal Tuesday night lesson was in full swing.

Got Henry, tacked up, lunged (it was cooler then normal so he was a bit crazy) and got on.

We were not on the same page ...

In the canter he was heavy and running through my hands.

OF it felt like nothing was right.  Erica and Kat said it didn't look bad but sheesh it felt awful.

We did a vertical, to the green gate, to the blue gate, to the rainbow, to the domino's.

Then the rainbow, to the domino's, roll back to the green gate, to the blue gate.

I'm going to forget the lesson happened and move on...

Hopefully I can get him out today, off tomorrow, hack Friday and lesson Saturday.


  1. The cooler weather is making them all crazy! I think my mare walked out to the pasture on her hind legs this morning. Fingers crossed that today goes better for y'all!

    1. LOL! She's showing you her new fancy moves :)

  2. Most of your lessons sound great, so it will be easy to forget a rare bad one :)

    1. Yeah I can't really complain... just expect more from us

  3. We all have our bad days! Mine are also more common during the cooler weather... Shrug if off and I'm positive next ride will be much better :)

  4. I love it when people say, "YOU GUYS LOOK AMAZING" but you're thinking, "Holy shit this is god-awful." It's your ride, that's all that counts. :)

  5. I think its that we know where you two come from, so even your 'off' is still miles better then where you started. He looked good today considering there was a little hottie trotting around with him ;)

  6. The bad makes us appreciate the good that much more!

  7. That's the right way to look at it. Move on and focus on the next ride. I'm sure it will be better!

  8. Lovely quote and one well worth remembering, hope things improved yesterday & that you guys get back on track. :D
    It can be hard to not focus on the negatives, but don't forget that we need the bad days to appreciate the good - or so I'm reliably told by others on my bad days! :p

  9. We all have those days :) Henry will be back to rock star status on your next ride!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)