Friday, September 6, 2013

You are the light thats leading me to the place where I find peace ... again

Title is a lyric from one of my fav bands, Lifehouse, song Everything.

It's Friday It's Friday It's Friday!

So last night I took B to the barn with me and planned to try and ride with her, for the first time without daddy or someone there to watch her.

We got Henry, tacked him up and then I hopped on. My trainer was there giving lessons so B wanted to sit on her lap. Then they went on some golf cart rides to take horses back to their stalls.

I was able to get in a good 30 min ride, woo hoo! It was just a hack, get Henry moving around.

I did work on halt to canter transitions a little and he was great!

The Chiropractor came out yesterday too, Henry had a nice adjustment. I love getting a text from the Chiro saying how nice of a horse I have, totally makes my day!

Hopefully a trainer ride today and lesson tomorrow for us!

I enjoyed reading this recap from a GM clinic at Boyd and Silva Martin's place. You all should read it!

Question: What are ya'll favorite body shampoos and mane/tail shampoo/conditioner?

I feel like I am in a rut... I have tried a good 6-8 different ones and I keep going back to Vetrolin for the body and Infusium 23 for mane/tail.


  1. I still like good 'ol Mane & Tail for baths but then again maybe I am old fashioned!

    1. Maybe ill have to try it again, it's been years!!

  2. I agree with Lauren, I stick with the Mane and Tail, plus some cowboy magic to make it extra luscious.

  3. I'm loving my new E3 products for the body, but for the mane and tail I still love my main and tail stuff :-)

  4. I'm not too picky about shampoo, but the cowboy magic demineralizing conditioner is truly magical. Like OMG my horse feels like a brand new plush toy!!!

  5. I'm old school. I use Ivory. But I also only bathe if I'm showing. Otherwise my horses get sponged. Quicksilver for my grey's tail.

  6. Equifuse all the way. Prior to that I used Suave Coconut shampoo.

    1. I like their stuff for his mane and tail but I wish the conditioner smelled better!

      I do love their leave on shine stuff tho! :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)