Tuesday, April 30, 2013

90 Degrees... what!

Yeah it was hot...

Kat and I met at the barn to ride, I told her it's good that we have each other to keep us accountable cause on the really hot or cold days, it's easy to bow out.

Got the boys, tacked up and got on. Henry was a little fresh so I hopped off the lunge him a quick min but he was dead so I got back on after like 2 min. Guess he was just testing me.

Went to work at the trot- as he wanted to raise his head and ignore me, I closed my leg and sent him forward. After a few laps both ways he gave up and hacked really nicely. Did some shoulder in he was great!

Moved onto some cantering and working on him staying balanced and constant in his pace. Softened my hands and make him carry himself ... bingo good job Henry!

Then I moved onto some counter canter. Henry was awesome going left (on the right lead) and not to bad going right (on the left lead)... really he was awesome both ways but stronger going one way- obviously :)

Cooled the boys out as they were really sweaty.. Kat and I chatted :)

Nicku came by and said hi on her way out to grain her boy.

It was a nice quiet (and hot) night at the barn haha!

Lesson tonight, off tomorrow, lesson Thursday, idk Friday and lesson/hack for me Saturday.


  1. Love those kind of days :-) Its super hot here too, feel like it came so quickly!

  2. that was a really good hack, it was too hot for anyone to get too worked up

    1. The counter canter took it out of Henry and me! lol

  3. We've had a crazy cool April, but I have a feeling it is going to get hot really soon.

    1. You can have a bit of our heat! I like it a little cooler then 90 lol!

  4. Ugh I feel like I am in a slow cooker already. Not looking forward to summer!

    1. OMG this is the perfect way to describe it!!

  5. Yay for the counter canter getting so strong :)

    1. One day at a time hahaha! One day we will be all polished and grown up :)

  6. Saturday it was almost 80 when we went to look at George...today 30 degrees...and my friends in Minneapolis are bracing themselves for another 6-9 inches of snow...So where in California should I move? LOL

    1. haha your weather is SO confused!!!! You should move to the Bay area!!! hahaha!

  7. Wow, hot night!

    That's the one thing I was glad to leave behind in the NV desert.

    1. I grew up on the coast and I miss the ocean breeze!!!

  8. Man, I was sweating and complaining yesterday in 70 or so degree weather...I have mixed feelings about Summer! :))
    Kalin from Sittinginthesaddle.blogspot.com


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)