Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Spring!

They have opened up both ends of the indoor arena. One end is always open and other has a sliding door... it's open :) Henry didn't seem to mind it which was nice, I rode as if it was always like that.

Not a person was at the barn when I arrived, thankfully Kat was on her way.

We tacked up, I went to lunge but the round pen was SO HARD so I didn't do much, hopped on and got to work.

Henry was actually pretty lazy.

Hacked around and worked on staying in the frame, bending nicely around my leg and keeping a constant pace- he wants to speed up down the long sides at the canter.

I also worked on some no stirrup work at the sitting trot, posting and canter. I also worked on picking up my stirrups when cantering without them... the slightest touch of my leg- Henry takes that as a go fast now, ugh!

I will continue to work on that and no stirrups because I need to get stronger and I have to start somewhere.

He was really hot and sweaty as I did a lot of work so Kat and I cooled out and walked for a bit.

Cleaned up, hosed off, grained and put the boys away..

Lesson tonight, off tomorrow, lesson Thursday.. idk Fri and Sat.


  1. Stirrup-less push-ups. Beast your thighs! :) Good work.

  2. I am never wearing a wife-beater when on midget Magic next to you and your stud lol. I look so little. Yay for building thighs of steel!

  3. It's always good to work hard. This weekend should be a scheduling conundrum with the clinic.

    1. yeah i have no idea how it's going to work, gotta ask I

  4. Wish it was was spring here, today we got more snow!

  5. I've also been trying to work in some no stirrup work into the routine. Love the pictures, as always :-)

    1. yes I need to do more!!! i always want to be a beast right off the bat but need to do a little each week so i can get strong!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)