Friday, August 30, 2013

Hip Hip Hooray!

3 day weekend!!!

Day 26: throwback, the day Henry arrived!

Thursday panned out to be a better day then I thought. Hubby ended up being home so I was able to take a lesson.

I got to the barn before everyone else and the lesson that was supposed to be going on never showed, so trainer said I could tack up and we could go jump outside.

Tacked up, ran Henry around and got on. He was C A R A Z Y in the round arena.

Climbed on and we went to work. Hacked around and trainer had me do a few laps galloping because well Henry was still high.

Then we did some lead changes.. she had me do a little forward of a seat, put my knuckles in his neck and to jump shift my weight... we had some great changes and a few that weren't. But over all a win.

Then we jumped...

Started out warming up over 1 back and forth.

Then I did 2 with a short approach back and forth. I had maybe 6 strides till to jump and I had to pick up a canter from  halt and jump the jump.

Then I did 2 off the right lead, left hand roll back to 3, U turn to 4. We did 4 a few more times and also did if off of the left lead cause that is my weak side.

We were both lathered in sweat at the end of the lesson.. but it was good to have a private, haven't had one in a while.

Cooled him out, hosed and vetrolined, grained while I iced his legs. Took him home, gave kisses and took Louie for a hand walk- he's rehabbing and his mom is gone at school so I'm babysitting during the week.

Grained both boys.

Headed back to the barn to finish leaning my tack and watch Erica and Lyssette in their lesson.

Twins! lol

Love this boy SO much!

Turn out today, lesson Saturday and turn out Sunday... hopefully a lesson Monday!!


  1. So excited for a three day weekend!

    Sounds like it was a really good lesson.

    1. Yes I only wish my three day weekend didn't go so fast!

  2. Oh my gosh Henry was adorable! He's grown and filled out so much!

  3. Henry is so cute!! Sounds like a good lesson.


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)