Thursday my early birthday present was delivered so of course I had to ride.. Henry was high, it was hella windy and I felt like we were a hot mess. But I loved the way the new pad felt and was excited to use it!
I basically just hacked around... stayed out of the way of the up down lessons and worked on forward but not too forward. Also lots of stopping and backing- one day this horse might not be so skinken heavy!
New Ride Light pad- she even put my name on it :) |
Friday Henry had his teeth done... and after the meds wore off, he got a nice hour and a half turn out.
Saturday was the usual group lesson.
Henry was CRAZY in the round pen- he was all quiet to start and them BAM he ran around and I just stood there and let him do his thang...
Hopped on and joined the lesson.
We flatted, trainer even had us all counter canter- Henry did really really really well, I was super happy with him- we've only worked on that a few times.
Dare I also say that he was a tad lighter in the bridle after Friday.. we shall see if it's true or just coincidence.
We jumped. Warmed up over a little panel, then went over 3 X's that were one strides- tight so lots of whoa.
Panel off the right lead, left hand turn to a vertical with 3 ground polls in front of it, right turn to the 3 X's one strides. Henry was good, we didn't do much grilling.
Took a little walk around the property with a few of the other ladies.
Un-tacked, vetrolined his body, washed his tail and scrubbed his legs.
We had a nice unexpected visit from
Nicku.. she brought me my prize! I sure do miss her being at our barn and wish that she would move back! Maybe if I go bring Pongo back up to our barn, she will decide to stay?! :)
Let him dry and eat his grain while I cleaned tack and talked to everyone.
Clean pony!! (notice Lysstte and Ramone coming down the path in the back lol) |
Turn out today, hack Monday, lesson Tuesday, off Wednesday, hack Thursday, hopefully a trainer ride Friday and lesson Saturday.