Thursday, December 6, 2012

Seriously... is it Friday?

You know it's a rough week at work when you have two blog posts with titles asking, begging, pleading for it to be Friday.

I had a lesson today... there were three private lessons going on in our one indoor arena with three different trainers as well as another trainer riding a horse. (two dressage and me jumping LOL)

Henry was good- I wasn't able to lunge cause of what was going on in the arena and as you all know I didn't ride last night soooo this was a first. But he surprised me :) We flatted and working on shoulder and haunches in both directions... really pushing him around the corners and making sure his hip is moving off my leg and that his shoulder doesn't meet the wall first.

Then we moved onto jumping.. my trainer set up this bix X oxer thing... Now there were two people lunging at each end while I was jumping so I worked on going straight back and forth over the oxer. First trotting and then cantering. He was actually really good to the jumps too- despite there being crazy horses on lunge lines :) I was able to be really really soft with my hands which isn't often with Henry cause he is so strong.

Our straightness after the jump was a challenge as he was sure he knew what we were doing despite it not being what we were doing.. I got this mom just sit up there lol. Anywho we worked it out.

My trainer is going to do something with him tomorrow and I will have a lesson Saturday :)

TBT .. where Henry and I started- thankfully we are leaps and bounds better now LOL


  1. So while the whole traffic thing would really annoy me, I'll bet it's awesome desensitization. Sorry works been so rough - it's almost Friday! ;)

    1. yeah today was better then Tuesday lol.. i think since I was jumping they were intimidated by me ;)

  2. Maybe she'll take him on a picnic!

  3. Glad H was good. I would be frustrated with constant ring traffic but at least it wasn't multiple group lessons!

    1. yeah totally and it really wasn't that bad surprisingly :)

  4. I don't know how you do it...2 people lunging...annoying! Good for you guys.

    1. Funny thing is that I didn't lunge cause there were people trying to take lessons and my horse is young, green and had a day off! I guess I am just be proud of my bad ass-ness LOL!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)