Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Why does it feel like Thursday?!


LONG day at work but still was able to leave in a timely manner, get to the barn before dark and get Henry.

The round pen is still a mud pit so a quick lunge inside was a must- thankfully everyone was done riding just as I was going in to ride.. I joked with Kat that we scared them all away ha! He wasn't very high so a quickly ran him around and got on.

My goal was to just hack and work on no stirrups. I feel that went well lol... my thighs were burning so that is a good sign right?!

I also really worked on thought about pushing his hind end through the corners and he was much better about it- getting better each ride.

Funny story- there was a mud puddle and he literally jumped it the first 3 or 4 times we went "over" it... aye Henry just trot/canter - not jump.

Cooled out and put him away.


What more could you want from a lesson then a big ol tractor and semi, men in the dark unloading the shavings off the semi with the tractor and people falling off?!

Yep that equals a good lesson to me too- NOT!

Henry was actually really well composed and when I went by the "scary" end, I would bend him to the inside and tell him he was a good boy and we only had a few mild spooks... others were not so fortunate.

We started with some no stirrup work- owch is all I have to say.

After the flat work we moved onto jumping. I opted to go first so that i could have lots of time cooling Henry out which makes my waiting time after our ride less :) We all did the X back and forth. Then I went first on the little "course"... Oxer off the left lead to a panel 3 strides to a sharp right hand turn to  three more strides to another panel, left lead to the oxer again. Did this a couple times and then I was done...

Cooled Henry out- because of all the time and walking he wasn't that sweaty when I got off, score! I like going first!

Grooming, blanket, back to his stall, grain/hay and kisses...

Off Wednesday, lesson Thursday, trainer ride Friday and lesson Saturday.

Pics/video of lesson to come :)


  1. That really was a crazy lesson, I wonder what next week will bring lol

  2. Love that picture! And you guys just can't catch a break can ya!!??

    1. Seriously.. thankfully this is happening now when I am confident and not a year ago lol!

  3. Sounds like some excitement haha. At least you didn't fall off!

    1. exactly.. thought others were not so fortunate ha!

  4. I thought it was Thursday too...luckiy it's now Thursday!

    1. haha if it was Thursday when I thought it was, then today would be the weekend! lol but yes you are right yay for thur!

  5. "45 minutes of no stirrup work? Can't wait!" - said no equestrian ever. ;-)

  6. My trainer made us do a stirrup-less ride last night. My legs were feeling it when I got up this morning!

  7. I am also jealous of your video posts!!! I need to borrow your video people ;)

    1. I know I am SOOO thankful that Kat rides- bringing Andy along :)

  8. Got to love the mud puddles of death! ;)

    1. lol i know right.. funny thing is that i didn't know what he saw at first :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)