Sunday, July 7, 2013

3 Days in a Row

Thursday I convinced the fam to come to the barn with me... grabbed Henry, tacked up and hopped on. It was quite hot already by 10:30 am so I intended to just run through a few things and just get up both a bit sweaty. Oh and hoped hubby would take some pictures.

Well Henry was a bit fussy and hubby's phone was taking all blurry pics.. boo.

I rode through Henry's fussiness- just hacked him around- and we were both drenched in sweat by the end.

Don't mind my wrists!!!

Friday I went up when B napped and rode. It was cooler (in the 80's) so Henry was a little more high.

I rode his around for about 30/40 min and worked on trying to get him to listen, chill out and have a nice hack. That didn't happen soooooo....

I called my trainer to ask what she thought about me going to the lower round arena and letting him get out some of his wild oats. She said to put him on the line first to see if he would get out any bucks and then let him free... he was a perfect gentleman on the line and then ran full out and bucked a few times when I let him off... guess he needed to blow off some steam since he hasn't been able to do that in 3 weeks.

Fancy boy is floating :)

Friday night we went to the fair which was a lot of fun and some delishious food!!

I love caramel apples and pumpkin pie, can't wait to eat this bad boy!!

Saturday I had a lesson. I was super slow moving and crampy/achy but made myself go ride. Henry was back to normal after his crazy run Friday.

We rode outside and the footing was ok, I just rode in off the track. Henry felt great except a little twist in his canter to the right that I have been feeling (I called the Chiropractor and am waiting for a reply still). But he is totally good :)

We went through the paces with everyone and even got to jump a little woo hoo!

We did an X back and forth to warm up. Then a line (6 stride) vertical and vertical wall- did that both ways a few times. Then we did a 2 stride in and out... X to oxer. Henry was great, felt great and hey we still have it lol!

Cooled him out, untacked, clipped up his muzzle and bridle path, hosed him off, iced him, gave grain, cleaned tack, took him back home in the golf cart, filled his water, gave kisses and went back up to the barn to clean the rest of my stuff up.

Driving and taking pictures is totally ok right?!


  1. Jealous!! Haven't been to the barn in about 5 days, just got back from Florida and I realize why I dislike vacations. ;) Now it's rainy and muddy, so can't ride until that clears up. Blah!
    Henry is so stinking purdy.

  2. Cute horse! It's good that you and Henry feel good! Your so lucky that it was in the 80s the other was 105 here!

    1. Yeah it's been over 100 and it was a nice treat to have 80's!

  3. Hot temperatures makes riding hard work! You guys look great :)

  4. Glad to hear you guys can jump again. I really want that caramel apple!

  5. I swear he is one of the most photogenic, fancy looking OTTBs ever :)

  6. LOVE the floating trot! He is fancy!

  7. Glad everything is going well :) YUMMY apple!

  8. He's such a handsome guy :-)

  9. I love how every time you get your family or friends out to the barn, your horse happens to be extra wiley that day! haha. That's what always happens to me, anyway!

    1. Right! Well no one was with me when he was extra alive Friday :)

  10. Love that picture of Henry floating! Fancy boy!!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)