Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Strange, So Strange

So I got this weird message from the alleged author of that text I posted yesterday... soooo I linked the article from Eventing Nation and removed the written text.

Back to Monday...

It was cooler and windy out, Henry was feeling good (I swear he sees things I don't, Saturday and Monday he was just weird)..

Groomed, tacked up, punches holes in my WB bridle (cause homeboy broke the nose band Saturday and I am waiting for the replacement)...

Went down to the big around arena to lunge.. he was almost too quiet and then BAM something set it off and he was all sideways and I swear- seeing dead people or something. Tried to get the crazies out of him and then hopped on and rode down there- its a BIG round arena so plenty of room to ride.

Worked on adjust-ability, listening (sharp transition) and frame. We were both sweaty by the end but I still felt like he could have gone another 2 hours...

Cooling him out, untacked, hosed off, B fed Henry a bunch of treats, iced his leg, cleaned tack, took Henry home and gave kisses/grain.

Lesson today, idk Wed/Thur, trainer ride Friday and lesson Saturday.


  1. A lot of people prefer when you link or provide credit to the original article. Surprised they contacted you though.

    1. It wasn't the Eventing Nation people.. it was the lady who said she wrote it- said I have to pay her if I want to put it on my blog... so I just linked the EN post :)

    2. I googled the lady, lots of controversy over her haha!

    3. Weird! You said it came from EN, what else are you supposed to do? Picky picky.

  2. It was a strange/cool/windy day at the barn yesterday.

  3. That's very weird. That letter is posted EVERYWHERE.

  4. Huh, I second Lauren. I've seen that letter all over the place so that's weird that she contacted you...

    1. Yeah SUPER weird! Wish I had enough down time in the day to randomly search for things lol!

  5. That's weird. On Eventing Nation, it says that piece was randomly sent in by someone and the author is unknown...plus I thought it was a about why a FATHER supported his DAUGHTER'S riding, but written by a woman?

    1. Exctly!! I took it verbatim from the EN website- and yes I thought it was about a Father/Daughter too.. odd!!

  6. People are strange...

    Henry is looking good as always. :)

  7. That sure is weird lol! Silly Henry. You ride him well though.


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)