Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Traffic Jam!

So I have started a new daily routine, I have been drinking a min of 64 oz of water- which means I have to pee ALL THE TIME. But man I feel good and hydrated!

Got to the barn last night, changed and got Henry. Groomed, tacked up and waited for my turn in the round pen.

He wasn't very animated, I think our "session" on Monday night made someone a little tired ;)

Hopped on and chilled while everyone slowly trickled in.

There were a TON of people in the arena but Henry doesn't mind so that's good :)

Flatted around and did some shoulder in, haunches in, haunches out.. Henry is way better to the right then the left but still he's not bad- I just expect a lot ha!

Then we warmed up as a group and then L and I waited our turn.

We did the vertical off the right lead, right turn to the panel (on the bottom of the above pic), straight line with a lead change to the left and up the other panel . Then she had me keep doing the panel's, in a figure 8.

Worked on our right to left lead- they were ok but not perfect so we made them better :)

Henry was a good boy, it was a good lesson :)

All tucked in post lesson :)


  1. You guys seriously looked like old pros

  2. I love that you have a round pen... Jealous mostly. :)

    1. Yeah idk what I would do without it.. these days Henry is more manageable but in the beg he has to be lunged forever before rides!

  3. Lol I try something like that with the water too--fun times especially when you're in class all day! ;) And Henry looks great in green!

    1. Yeah i have to run to the bathroom at work all the time lol!

  4. Playing catch up again, soz!
    Sounds like you guys are doing great things as always. I love reading your reports, so inspirational. Would love to find a trainer like you guys that challenges & progresses riding. Sadly trainer at our yard has too many students and not enough time :-( Plus she was nowhere to be seen when I ran into difficulties with Kika, deapite K being in bootcamp with her wheb the naughtiness started - she suggested I get everything checked but never came back to see how I was getting on nor offer any help or advice...I was not impressed.

    1. Oh man.. yes finding a good trainer (with experience to back them) is hard!

      Come to CA, we will share! :)

  5. Great job on staying hydrated. It makes a huge difference!

  6. I have to pee all the time normally. So annoying. I should start drinking more water too. Thanks for the motivation!

    1. Yeah I pee way to much now but the water is good for me so it's worth it lol :)

  7. Jealous of your water intake! Let me know if you have any tricks!

    1. I got a 32 oz cup from Target and im drinking at least 2 of them a day- makes it seem do able when it's only 2 lol :)

  8. I would start drinking more water, and I should, but I feel like I would be a constant running faucet then lol

    1. I totally am!! Haha! I am hoping my body will get used to it :)

  9. I tried drinking lots and lots of water once but its just not the same coffee lol. I do try to drink as much as I can though.

  10. For the above comment - this was actually Ruffles from Just A Girl And Her Horse, I accidently commented on my sisters account

    1. Hahaha no worries!

      yes, sadly water and caffeine aren't the same :(


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)