Monday, January 11, 2016

Blog Hop: 5 Horse Show Essentials

Thanks to The $900 FB Pony for a great hop!! I know I am late to the party...

Man it's going to be hard to pick just 5!!

Assuming my horse, tack and show clothes are included right...

1. Towels... you can do so much with washcloths/towels and they are greatly missed when you don't have them!

2. A good soft brush ... those dang shavings get everywhere- especially in braids and the fine dust is a pain to get off. A good soft brush is KEY!

3. Dr Pepper, I love this stuff, need this stuff, must have this stuff!

4. Lunge line, Henry is SO much better to ride when I am able to let him get his wiggles out.

5. Good rounds!! That is totally an essential lol!


  1. ha yes to good rounds!!! (also i love dr pepper too lol)

  2. Yes. All the towel! I love having clean towels at shows and at the barn. They are good for so many things.

  3. Towels and a gallon of green spot remover!!


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)