Henry has officially moved inside the barn... it has been SO nice not to have to walk down in the mud/rain/dark to get my horse or take him home.
Monday I hacked and he spent his first day in a box stall while the paddock was being finished, he was a bit of a handful for the hack but I will chalk that up to him being caged up in the box stall.
Tuesday I headed up to ride and was hoping to catch a lesson... thankfully
L was there too so we convinced trainer to give us a lesson. L brought
K from Stampy and the Brain so it was fun meeting her! She got to watch our lesson- hopefully we didn't make to much of a fool of ourselves. :)
We did flatted around and then did a single jump in the inside arena (we have gotten TONS of rain and are going to need a boat soon). Warmed up over and X, then veritcal and then did the vertical on a continuous figure 8. I felt like it went well over all, a little lead change issue from right to left but that is normal and we fixed it with holding the counter canter and not changing a few times then going for the change- wha la it worked.
Still in the box stall but behaving much better :) |
Wednesday was hubby's birthday so I had about an hour and a half at the barn, I used it to lunge ...
And set up his new stall with the paddock :) I think he is very very happy to have the outside space.
Thursday I headed out for a hack. Flatted around, worked on frame, some no stirrup work, turning on the honches...
Henry was great, we had an awesome ride and I have been working on him really moving around off my leg at the end of my rides. It's so fun to be able to wander around the arena and use only my legs to tell him where to go. I asked hubby how he thought I was steering since I wasn't using my reins and he couldn't tell but then guessed my legs sooooo looks like we are doing a good job with our stupid human/horse trick :)
Love this horse!!
He will get Friday off and a trainer ride Saturday hopefully.