Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 22nd

Better late then never ..

Last night is normally our lesson night but it was switched to Monday because of the holiday and other schedules conflicting which was a-ok-with me :)

There was NO ONE at the barn so good thing Sean was with me. Bayley slept almost the whole time so that was sweet. I got Henry, tacked up like normal and took him over to the really big round pen, turned the lights (well light cause only one works) on and went to work. I didn't really do anything special- it was more of a "fun" ride and he was actually really good. One side of the round pen is a little darker and so he was a bit leery there but got over that quickly. I am learning that pushing him through things is how he works. Anywho just a night of hacking and then back to his stall he went.

Today (November 23rd) I got out and turned him out while Bayley took her morning nap and I read GM in prep for the clinic (yes I know I am waiting till the last minute BUT I really don't have free time or time to read).

We are leaving to go out of town tonight and will be back Friday night some time. I am hoping that I won't be to tired and maybe get a ride in Friday night but we shall see how I feel after the rush of a trip to my mom for Thanksgiving. My dad will be taking care of the house and Zoe and a couple friends are going to keep an eye on Henry :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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