Spoiler... Henry was pretty awesome, I rode well and we had fun!!
I packed as much of the trailer as I could the day/night before - basically everything but the cooler and myself with part of my show clothes on.
Also hubby rigged my boots so I was armed with my old and new boots.. the new ones were getting broke in BUT 3 days isn't quite enough to make them my old favs lol. Thankfully the old boots held up and I have more time to make the new boots my fav old boots :)
That face lol!! |
We started with a pleasure class to get in the ring and march around some before the over fence classes started. Henry was great and we got a second. Trainer said it was pretty dead even for the lady who won and me.
Warm up went well... and they opened the cards for the 2'6 classes. The plan was to do the three 2'6 classes, 2 under saddle classes and then see how things were going to decide if I wanted to stay for the 2'9/3'...
There were quite a lot of riders in the 2'6, thankfully we got in the early bunch and were able to do all three rounds pretty close together. I actually was the first person to go over fence- we all know I don't like waiting lol!!
I ended up 2nd in the warm up round, 1st in the low open hunters and 4th in the low child/adult hunters.
Then I did two under saddle classes and got 1st in the open and 4th in the child/adult.
Henry and I both were pooped, he was great and I decided to end on that. I told trainer that next time i want to go for the whole weekend so we can school Friday and then show the bigger stuff Saturday and Sunday.. hopefully she agrees next time!
Big thanks to Erica for being my road dog and groom.. also to Kat for the pictures!