Monday, January 9, 2017

Jet's Progress

I've owned Jet for 3 months now.. here are two pictures almost 3 months apart. Oh man I miss the summer shine (though he is wet in the top pic)... he is gaining weight slowly but it's coming.

He's not a big hay eater so it's been an up hill battle with weight. I have him on hay and a sr complete feed pellet that he really likes... it has joint supplements in it so thats awesome! And it's a local ish feed company.


  1. Ughhhh! It's rough when they aren't interested in hay!

  2. He looks good!! It's funny, the changes in his body over three months are very similar with my guy too - that's reassuring for me to see!

  3. Huge difference already! Especially in his neck. He looks like a sweet guy.

  4. He's looking so much better!!

  5. hee hee his butt grew! I'm sure his withers will catch up. Such a cute face!

  6. Wow, that a big difference!!! So happy he looks so good!!! Very cute horse:)

  7. Nice Horse! you should use witanor horse products. they're really effective. just try it for 1 week you will see the difference.


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)