Did today really happen?!!? Are people really that sketchy?!?!
So I un-blanketed and turned Henry out around noon today. I came back up around 3 to ride. Gave him an efficient (not to quick) groom and tacked up. Went down to lunge him (This is still something that we are working on. He likes to chose when we are done lunging and challenge my authority. Oh yes I just love starting every ride with him pushing my buttons!) and long story short- one of the other trainers dog was loose and running around like a crazy woman... needless to say that lead to drama!
Anywho I ended up getting on and hacking around for a bit (shorter then I would have liked but something is better then nothing). Nothing to much other then lots of weaving around everything in the arena and more sitting trot. He was very distracted today so that is why I was on a mission to keep his attention- lots of changing direction to keep him guessing! ;) Mom has to be one step ahead of Henry!
He was super sweaty so he got a quick bath including a tail wash- I am on a mission to get that tail nice, thick and long! Hunter tail here we come... maybe I won't have to use a fake piece- hey I can dream right?!
Anywho I am hoping to get up and work him tomorrow after work so that we have a good ride Saturday morning with everyone. Yay for getting to ride on a Saturday morning with the gang! It has been way to long since I have gotten to do that!
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