Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Baby Chase

Baby mama: Funny Face Smoke (https://www.allbreedpedigree.com/funny+face+smoke)

Baby daddy: Bridlewood Bacardi (http://bridlewoodwelsh.com/bridlewood-bacardee/)

Equals Chase...

Mom is a paint and dad is a black welsh... and I got a SOLID bay baby lol!! Fancy (mom) is a finished reiner but doesn't compete any more and has had a super cool welsh cross that does pony hunters. My sister and I both own her.

If the girls don't want to do anything pony, we will probably sell him but for now we are enjoying him, B has been enjoying working with him and it's such a cool experience for her.

Right now he is going through the pregnancy phase lol
I will dig up his new new pictures for you. What a cool deal it has been to have a baby born at home!


  1. Replies
    1. None of my girls want to do hunters whaaaaa... want a super cute pony? lol


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)