Thursday evening... got Henry, tacked up, quick lunge, went to get on and he turned into a fire breathing dragon- went out to lunge more and he blew off a lot of steam and bucks, got on and he was still high so I went right to work.
Our ride consisted of keeping his mind busy because he was spooking at EVERYTHING- so NOT normal for him!
Silly horse!
He got a trainer ride Friday (cause I am not able to make the lesson Saturday and wanted him to get jumped this week)- the report was that he was really good. A new WS rode him so I am glad it went well. I'm not too good at sharing my horse ha!
Onto day 2 :)
6. Favorite equestrian book and movie
I love all books horse related that I could get my hands on at the library or convince someone to buy as a child. As an adult I love that we have a lot of resources on line, i know that isn't a book but it's helpful and at my finger tips.
I LOVED National Velvet at a child, def my fav :)
7. Most common riding misconception
That because you have a horse you are rich. Actually I don't shop, buy anything extra, go on vacation (even out of town or somewhere close for the weekend), I work a full time job and sacrifice most things that others do on a weekly basis ;)
8. Two riding strengths and one weakness
Strengths- 1. I have a solid leg, I attribute that to my first trainer who was HARD CORE about basics. 2. I am a hard worker and can be pushed pretty hard.
Weakness- anyone who rides with me can tell you that I have HORRIBLE posture ha! I have had it all my life and I can't seem to get my crap together!
9. Least favorite thing about horses and/or riding
Injury... I wish that they could tell me what hurts, is uncomfortable or not right. I hate the unknown and having to guess whats going on my ruling things out.
10. What do you feed your horse?
Henry- 3 flakes of Alfalfa, 1 flake of oat and 1 flake of grass. Also a large scoop (3-4 quarts) of Strategy, Smartpak Smartcombo, Electrolytes, Psylium and bug off.
Grayson- 2 flakes of an Alfalfa grass mix. A small bit of Ultium Growth.