Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Day Challenge Day 2

Thursday evening... got Henry, tacked up, quick lunge, went to get on and he turned into a fire breathing dragon- went out to lunge more and he blew off a lot of steam and bucks, got on and he was still high so I went right to work.

Our ride consisted of keeping his mind busy because he was spooking at EVERYTHING- so NOT normal for him!

Silly horse!

He got a trainer ride Friday (cause I am not able to make the lesson Saturday and wanted him to get jumped this week)- the report was that he was really good. A new WS rode him so I am glad it went well. I'm not too good at sharing my horse ha!

Onto day 2 :)

6. Favorite equestrian book and movie
I love all books horse related that I could get my hands on at the library or convince someone to buy as a child. As an adult I love that we have a lot of resources on line, i know that isn't a book but it's helpful and at my finger tips.

 I LOVED National Velvet at a child, def my fav :)

7. Most common riding misconception
 That because you have a horse you are rich. Actually I don't shop, buy anything extra, go on vacation (even out of town or somewhere close for the weekend), I work a full time job and sacrifice most things that others do on a weekly basis ;)

8. Two riding strengths and one weakness
Strengths- 1. I have a solid leg, I attribute that to my first trainer who was HARD CORE about basics. 2. I am a hard worker and can be pushed pretty hard.

Weakness- anyone who rides with me can tell you that I have HORRIBLE posture ha! I have had it all my life and I can't seem to get my crap together!

9. Least favorite thing about horses and/or riding
Injury... I wish that they could tell me what hurts, is uncomfortable or not right. I hate the unknown and having to guess whats going on my ruling things out.

10. What do you feed your horse?   
Henry- 3 flakes of Alfalfa, 1 flake of oat and 1 flake of grass. Also a large scoop (3-4 quarts) of Strategy, Smartpak Smartcombo, Electrolytes, Psylium and bug off.

Grayson- 2 flakes of  an Alfalfa grass mix. A small bit of Ultium Growth.  


  1. Good one for #9. It would be so great if our horses could just tell us what hurts.

  2. #7
    I completely get it. I measure almost everything against my horse' s board and my husband and I have only splurged on one big vacation. It is worth it to me.

    1. Exactly! We haven't ever vacationed! lol oops

  3. Silly high horses! I totally agree with number 7, horses can be expensive but so can any hobby... And I'm a thousand percent with you on number 9!

    1. Totally! Hubby loves cars and working on his project.. thats expensive too! Luckily he is willing to take it slow cause we can't afford 2 big hobby's!

  4. Silly Henry, it's that time of year! What do you feed the Psylium for, if I may ask?

    1. He was nuts!

      It's to help him not have sand colic since he eats off the ground at times. :)

  5. I've never seen National Velvet. I guess I need to get my butt in gear and watch it!

  6. Your leg is pretty sick. I'm super jealous.

    1. Haha thanks! I think Henry's stopping habit (in the past) has made me really aware of a solid base too.

  7. So agree with #7! Sometimes I run into almost the opposite with friends, they don't understand why I can't go to Vegas for a long weekend or go shopping at the mall every week.

    1. YES!! Exactly.. we spend out money on other things :)

  8. I will trade you some good posture for some of your good leg :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)