Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two word...

No Stopping!!!

Trainer ride went well- it was raining so they rode inside. Jumped him and no stopping happened! :)

Sending my entry (schooling fee + other fees) in for the show next weekend. Decided on just taking him for exposure and not going to do any classes :)

Lesson tonight, hack tomorrow.


  1. I think that I also will end up taking Houston to a schooling show in the next few months but we won't show either just go and get some experience being there. I might do a warm up class or something but mostly just to try to get a positive trip under his belt.

    Glad Henry was so good! :)

  2. Now heres to hoping i don't die from nerves :)

  3. YAY I'm so excited to hear about your show :) Schooling will be great for him

  4. Oooohhh! Fun! You guys are going to be great!

    1. Thanks everyone for the encouragement... I can't think about it otherwise i get nervous! haha


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)