Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3rd

We are temporarily moved into the other barn- really all that means for me is that I have my tack and grooming stuff down below and I don't have to lug it down anymore at night and back up after I am done riding haha!

We rode inside tonight and Henry was good.Just hacked around... nothing special. But it was a good ride and I feel stronger ever ride :)

I told Sean today that I am really enjoying riding Henry- it's been a while since I was felt inadequate which is really nice. I am not saying I am a bomb diggity rider I am just confident and willing to push and do whatever I am asked or need to do for Henry's training to kick into high gear.

Tomorrow is Henry's first "trainer" ride.. then Thursday I will hack again :)


  1. You finally have that look, I think you are past the major hurdle and are going to start really making progress now :)


Henry and I love to hear from you guys! Leave us comments!!! :)